Another artwork from the Lark project. I like it, just not as much. It makes me feel like I'm frantic, stuck in traffic, early in the morning, before coffee. Ah, Zip Zoom.
Package design can be fun. Here's a good one. Automotive industry art with bright colors, bordering on clashing, but somehow working together.
More automotive industry package design, both boxes and labels. The challenge here was the variety involved. The client wanted a logo that is instantly recognizable, plus USA colors without being overly patriotic. Some seriously tight deadlines were involved.
Interesting factoid: you have to be dead to be on a postage stamp. I was a huge fan of Stevie Ray Vaughn, and very sad when he lost his life. I put some feeling and effort into this piece. This is the vector art I won the award for.
The client wanted something "out of the ordinary". We decided to focus on the sensuality of bathing rather than just show a bunch of bathrooms. The beauty of their products speak for themselves. The layout seeks to embellish it.
The bathtub guys absolutely loved this one. They found it very sensual, playful and exciting. I did some very fancy layering and colors. It was a fun time.
This client was completely open to any and all layout ideas, with very few demands regarding colors and fonts. I offered several very different looks. I think they chose the first one, can't quite remember.